Stand Up For The Truth NOW!

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Will you stand up for the TRUTH?  There are those who are trying to force a deadly poison into your body. NOW is the time to stand up and say NO!  Understand that this is ILLEGAL! NO ONE CAN FORCE YOU TO … Continued

In Your Hands

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You have in your hands a most precious gift. This gift is your LIFE. God gives you this life today for one purpose and one purpose only: TO GLORIFY HIM! When you want to move your hands or your feet, … Continued

The One You Should Fear

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There is so much fear-mongering today and many people are deceived by it. Most of the fear-mongering today is to get you to do something you would not otherwise do, such as put a deadly poison in your body thinking … Continued

Abba Our Father

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In Romans chapter 8, we read: The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by Him we cry, “Abba, Father.” … Continued

The Wise Virgins

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Did you ever stop to think that tomorrow is not guaranteed for you? So many of us, myself included, live as if we have many years of life ahead of us and don’t stop to consider that our tomorrow is … Continued

Strategies To Defeat The Enemy

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You may know that God commands us to be holy, but do you know HOW to be holy? Knowing how to be holy is critical in this hour because many perish for lack of knowledge! Do you know why so … Continued

Be Holy!

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In Leviticus 11:44, God commands His people:I am the LORD your God, consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy. Brothers and sisters, we are in the middle of a fierce spiritual battle right now!The devil knows he has … Continued