Prayer For Miracles

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Dear brothers and sisters, do you need miracles in your life? Only God can provide these miracles, but you need to ASK!

This comprehensive prayer guides you to ASK the Heavenly Father for your miracles.

Pray this prayer for at least seven days in a row and expect MIRACLES!  In fact, I suggest you pray it every day for the rest of your life!

I urge you to SHARE this prayer with everyone you know and if you can pray this prayer with others that is even better!

God is GOOD and He will HONOR your prayers and He will ANSWER your prayers in His perfect timing.

But remember, you must ASK Him!

Let us pray.

Almighty and everlasting God, I come before your presence with a humble and contrite heart seeking your Divine protection and deliverance. I acknowledge your power and goodness, recognizing that you are my refuge and fortress in times of trouble.

I declare your sovereignty over all creation knowing that you alone have the power to break every bond and defeat every evil and overcome all darkness.

I stand on the authority of your word and the victory won by Jesus Christ on the Cross.

Gracious Father, I lift my voice in prayer fervently seeking your divine intervention in every area of my life.

I pray for your protection, breaking the chains of bondage that have held me captive for far too long.

In the name of Jesus, I command every evil force, every curse, every spell and every power of darkness to be broken and rendered powerless in my life.

I renounce and reject every generational curse that has been passed down through my bloodline. I declare that the power of the blood of Jesus sets me free from the bondage of the past.

I break every negative pattern every cycle of addiction, every stronghold that has kept me from experiencing the fullness of your blessings.

I declare that I am a new creation in Christ, empowered to walk in freedom and victory.

I release forgiveness from the depths of my heart, choosing to let go of any bitterness, resentment or unforgiveness that has hindered my progress.

I break every evil soul tie and unhealthy attachment that has bound me to toxic relationships or unhealthy influences.

I ask for your healing touch to restore and reconcile broken relationships, bringing wholeness and unity.

Mighty God, I pray for your Divine protection over my mind, my thoughts and my emotions. I rebuke every spirit of fear, anxiety and depression that has tormented me. I declare that I have the mind of Christ and I am filled with your peace that surpasses all understanding.

I take captive every thought that does not align with your truth and I replace them with thoughts of faith, hope and love.

I pray for your Divine protection over my physical body. I declare that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and I present it as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to you. I rebuke every sickness disease and infirmity that has tried to attack my health. By the stripes of Jesus I am healed and made whole. I speak life and health into every cell, tissue and organ of my body. I release the healing power of your Holy Spirit to flow through me, restoring me to full health and vitality.

Heavenly Father I pray for your Divine provision and abundance in every area of my life. I declare that you are my Provider and you meet all my needs according to your riches in glory. I rebuke the spirit of poverty and lack and I release the spirit of prosperity and abundance into my life. I am blessed to be a blessing and I sow generously into your kingdom. I declare that I am a channel of your blessings and that your abundance flows through me to bless others.

I pray for your Divine wisdom and discernment in every decision I make. Guide me by your Holy Spirit that I may walk in the paths of righteousness. Protect me from deception and lead me into all truth. Grant me understanding and clarity as I navigate through the challenges of life. Open my spiritual eyes to see the hidden traps and snares of the enemy and give me the wisdom to avoid them.

Lord I pray for your Divine protection over my relationships and interactions with others. Shield me from toxic relationships, manipulative individuals and those who seek to harm me. Surround me with godly friendships, mentors and advisers who will encourage me in my journey of faith. Grant me discernment to navigate through different personalities and relationships, always extending love, grace and forgiveness.

Heavenly Father, I pray for your Divine protection over my spiritual walk and growth. Guard me from spiritual attacks and the schemes of the enemy. Strengthen my faith, deepen my understanding of your word and fill me afresh with your Holy Spirit. Protect me from false doctrines and teachings that seek to distort your truth. Empower me to live a life that is pleasing to you, honoring your name in all I do.

I pray for your Divine protection over my dreams, aspirations and destiny. Lord I surrender my plans and desires to your perfect will. Guide my steps, direct my paths and open doors of opportunity aligned with your purpose for my life. Protect me from distractions, discouragement and doubt. Help me to walk in faith and trust even when the road ahead seems uncertain.

Gracious God I pray for your Divine protection over my finances and resources. I declare that you are the source of all provision and I trust in your abundant provision for my every need. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke the spirit of lack and financial bondage and I release the spirit of prosperity and abundance. I ask for wisdom and discernment in managing my finances that I may be a good steward of the resources you have given to me.

Lord I pray for your Divine protection over my purpose and calling. Guard me against distractions, discouragement and the attacks of the enemy that seek to hinder me from fulfilling your will. Grant me boldness, courage and perseverance to pursue the dreams and visions you have placed in my heart. Protect me from self-doubt and the fear of failure.

Empower me to walk in the fullness of my calling, making a significant impact for your kingdom.

Father I pray for your Divine protection over my spiritual armor. Clothe me with the belt of Truth, the breastplate of Righteousness, the shoes of Peace, the shield of Faith, the helmet of Salvation and the sword of the Spirit. Help me to stand firm against the attacks of the enemy, resisting every temptation and walking in obedience to your word.

Protect me from spiritual warfare attacks and surround me with your host of angels to guard and defend me.

I pray for your Divine protection over my words and actions. Help me to speak life, encouragement and edification to others. Guard my tongue from gossip, slander and harmful words. May my words be filled with grace and seasoned with salt, bringing healing and hope to those around me. Protect me from the snares of the enemy that I may walk in integrity and reflect your love and truth in all I do.

Lord I pray for your Divine protection over my journey and travels. Guide me safely in all my comings and goings. Protect me from accidents, negative incidents and unforeseen dangers. Surround me with your presence and keep me in the palm of your hand. Order my steps and grant me discernment to make wise choices and decisions.

I pray for your Divine protection over my mind, thoughts and imaginations. Guard me against the lies and deceptions of the enemy. Fill my mind with your truth renewing and transforming me from the inside out. Protect me from negative thought patterns, worries and anxieties. Help me to fix my thoughts on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely and of a good report.

Father I pray for your Divine protection over my dreams and desires. Guard my heart from discouragement and delay. Surround me with your favor and open doors that no one can shut. Protect my dreams from the attacks of the enemy and grant me the wisdom and strength to pursue them with diligence and perseverance.

I pray for your Divine protection over my spiritual life. Guard me from spiritual blindness and dullness of hearing your word and direction. Open my eyes and ears to perceive your presence, your voice and your leading. Protect me from distractions and busyness that hinder my intimacy with you. Help me to cultivate a deeper relationship with you, abiding in your presence and walking in line with your spirit.

Lord I pray for your Divine protection over my family and loved ones. Guard them in every area of their lives. Protect them from harm, danger and evil influences. Surround them with your angels, encamping around them for their safety and well-being. In the name of Jesus, I pray that you shield them from every attack of the enemy and grant them your peace and joy.

Mighty God I surrender every aspect of my life to your Divine protection I trust in your unfailing love, knowing that you are my strong tower and my shield. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I take hold of your promises, standing firm in the authority and victory I have in Jesus Christ. In the mighty and Powerful Name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Print this prayer now and start praying it every day and expect miracles in your life!

You can also listen to this prayer here.


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