Strategies To Defeat The Enemy

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You may know that God commands us to be holy, but do you know HOW to be holy?

Knowing how to be holy is critical in this hour because many perish for lack of knowledge!
Do you know why so many people are being deceived by the lies in the world?
It is because they do not know the devil’s schemes so they fall right into his traps.
But if you arm yourself with knowledge and righteousness then the devil will NOT be able to touch you!

The following are strategies to defeat the devil, so listen carefully:

1. Read God’s word daily! Memorize God’s word. Proclaim God’s word over your life DAILY. This will be a blessing over your life and will enable you to see through the lies of the enemy. I have provided key scriptures that you can pray every day in the following posts:
Spiritual Warfare Prayers and Scripture Verses For Spiritual Warfare.

Copy them, print them and proclaim them out loud EVERY DAY!

2. PRAY DAILY! Pray for your own needs, your family, your friends, your enemies, your community, your nation! The prayer of a righteous person avails much! Prayer is critical! Pray every morning and every evening. The enemy hates when you pray. Do you know why? Because he cannot pray: he has no one to pray to! So, in order to defeat the wiles of the enemy, you MUST pray!

3. HUMBLE YOURSELF WITH FASTING! You MUST fast! Jesus said WHEN you fast, not IF you fast! Jesus expects His followers to fast! Fast as you are able. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and He will give you discernment. If you can fast in the morning before you pray your morning prayers that is good. If you can fast until noon that is even better. If you can fast on just water one full day once a week that is better still. PRAY while you fast! Dedicate the fasting and prayers to God! The enemy hates when you pray and fast. He knows that when you fast and pray the fire of the Holy Spirit is upon you and he cannot get near you!

4. Watch the words that come out of your mouth! It is unbecoming for a person of God to speak perverse, ungodly or wicked words. Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. (Proverbs 4:24) The tongue has the power of life and death. (Proverbs 18:21) The power of life and death is in the tongue! You can either speak life or death over yourself and others. Whatever you speak against others WILL come back to you! Speak LIFE so that things may go well with you. Speak blessings over your life. Use Bible passages to do so. Read the posts listing very powerful scripture verses you can use mentioned in Strategy #1 above. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. (Ephesians 5:19)

5. BE HOLY! Get rid of known sins in your life! Protect your senses from evil and vile content. Don’t watch immoral, perverse, vile or violent movies/videos. Don’t listen to vile or perverse music such as hard rock, metallica etc. These are all from the devil. They contaminate your mind and heart with evil. Avoid all vile and immoral content! Instead, seek things that are noble, righteous, good and beautiful. St. Paul writes this eloquently: Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Philippians 4:8)

More strategies are outlined in the following posts:

Instructions from Eternity

What Does God Want You To Do?

Who Are The True Christians?

There is SO much more to write on this topic, but if you read the Bible daily, the Holy Spirit will help you to understand and give you wisdom and discernment.

Brothers and sisters, the greatest weapon against the devil is righteousness! If you live a holy life, the enemy CANNOT touch you because the FIRE of God’s LOVE is upon you!

Keep your spiritual fire LIT at all times and you will have the VICTORY!

Related Posts: Spiritual Warfare PrayersScripture Verses For Spiritual Warfare, Instructions from Eternity, What Does God Want You To Do?, Who Are The True Christians?