Start Living In The Light!

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There are those who believe that they are more clever or more powerful than God.
They believe that they can do all the evil they want on this earth without any consequence.
They believe that if they follow the devil and do what he wants, they will be rewarded.

This is my response to such people:
If you follow the devil and do what he wants you will suffer the same fate as the devil.
The recompense for rebellion against God is the LAKE OF FIRE!

The devil is a LIAR. If he promises you anything that promise is a LIE.
Why then do you believe him?

Remember that the devil is a created being.
God created him. As such, God has power OVER the devil.

God is all-powerful.
God does NOT lie!
If God decrees a thing, NO ONE can reverse it!
NO ONE can undo what God does, not the devil and certainly not any human being!

If God casts a soul to hell, NO ONE will be able to save them from that ETERNAL place of torment!
Do you understand?

Why then do you still follow the ways of darkness and believe the lies of the devil?!
There are numerous people who have experienced hell and came back to life to talk about it. See my post about this here. They will tell you what it is like. It is truly a frightening place, full of pain, torment and anguish such as cannot possibly be imagined by the human mind!

Do you want to go there?
You may say: ‘Absolutely not!’, but then why do you continue to do those things that God hates?

You may ask: What does God hate? For a short version, read my post about this here.
My answer is read the Bible, God’s very words of instruction, and you will find out.
God will tell you clearly what He hates.
So if you know what God hates, why do you continue to do it?

If you sincerely want to stop doing evil then ASK God to help you!
Yes it is really that simple, but you must have a complete change of heart. Simply go before God in a quiet place and tell Him you want to stop doing evil and you want to start doing His will. He will honor that prayer!

So don’t wait another minute?
Do it NOW!
Ask God to help you to start living in the LIGHT!
Start walking on a path toward ETERNAL LIFE instead of one to eternal death.

Remember, your tomorrow is in God’s hands.
Remember also that if God condemns you to hell NO ONE will be able to take you out of there because NO ONE is more powerful than God!

Once you take your last breath on earth, you will start your eternity.
Where will you spend your eternity?
That is the most important question!

You can change that right NOW if you turn to God sincerely.
Repent NOW before it is too late!

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