Do you want power?
Then get WISDOM!
The Bible states that a wise man has power:
A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength. (Proverbs 24:5)
It also states:
Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. (Proverbs 4:7)
What is WISDOM? What is UNDERSTANDING? The Bible tells us:
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)
How do you get to know the Holy One?
By reading His WORD, the Bible! By reading His Word, you get to know His character, His commandments and His wisdom!
Note that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord! It is just the beginning; there is much more to learn after that!
Only God can grant wisdom and He will only grant wisdom to those who are SINCERE in their repentance and love for God!
The others will perish due to their own great folly! They will have no one else to blame but themselves!
The Lord provides salvation through His Son Jesus. Who is wise enough to accept so wonderful a salvation?
The greatest pain of hell is that the person put themselves there!
God did EVERYTHING He could to save mankind, even sending His Son to die on a cross! God gave free will to man, so if he rejects so great a salvation, he willingly chooses hell! Raging fire, sulfur and agony FOREVER!
God is ever so GOOD, but mankind is wicked. An anointed believer speaks of this in this short video.
She states in the video:
God said people are wicked. People lust after the works of the devil and therefore when these demons come, when these demonic beings come and begin to manifest and make all their promises, God is not going to do a thing to stop them. So if you’re the kind of person that asks: Why is God allowing this? God will allow this because human beings don’t want God. They want sin, they want Satan, they want new tech and so God is going to step back exactly as Scripture says and He’s going to allow us to see what the world is like when the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the high-minded pride of life is what defines a society for human beings. Since we don’t want the society Jesus defined for us, the fallen ones, the demons, the devils, the hybrids, the chimeras and these evil governments will redefine what society looks like for a while. [My comment: That is, until God destroys them all with the breath of His mouth as written.]
And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of His mouth and destroy by the splendor of His coming. (2 Thessalonians 2:8)
Nations are increasing their stockpile of nuclear warheads. You can read more here.
Wicked men put their trust in weapons of mass destruction but these very weapons will wipe them off the face of this earth!
Having nuclear weapons is NOT power! Using them means the death of EVERY living thing on earth! Is this power??? Obviously NOT!
WISDOM is power!
After all, if these nuclear weapons are used, mankind would bomb itself to extinction!
I ask you this question: Is this intelligent?
Any sane human being with any sense of morality or decency would agree that this is NOT intelligent!
Wickedness and evil is utterly stupid and idiotic!
God sent His Son to SAVE the human race from its own sin, that is, its own stupidity and great folly!
Mankind continues to defy the LOVING hand of the Lord and do wickedly on this earth, not realizing that God can take away everything from this earth in one moment if He so chooses!
Only God is ALMIGHTY!
Many men on this earth today think they are above God or smarter or more clever than Him, but they are tragically fooling only themselves!
Nations want to be powerful, but they don’t read the Bible which states:
Whoever digs a pit will fall into it. (Proverbs 26:27)
The translation of this is: When someone plans harm or misfortune for others, they will surely be the recipient of that same misfortune! Guaranteed!
Therefore, it pays to be wise and not do or plan wicked things! When are people going to learn? How much more innocent bloodshed is it going to take?
Do nations really want to be powerful?
Then let their people REPENT and attach themselves to the SUPERPOWER of superpowers: GOD! God ALMIGHTY Who owns the entire UNIVERSE!
When will the human race WAKE UP and finally understand that unless they REPENT of their murders, their immorality, their perversion and all their vile wickedness, they will all perish!
This is EXACTLY what Jesus said: Unless you repent, you too will all perish. (Luke 13:3)
Take heed! God will not put up with the sin and depravity of the human race much longer!
Nuclear weapons would destroy human life, animal life, plant life, ALL life on earth and the earth would become an uninhabitable desert for hundreds of years!
Is the human race this stupid??
If not, the human race must WAKE UP and REPENT!