Have you considered praying for your state? We need prayer now more than ever in the times we are living.
Here is a prayer you can pray every day. It only takes a few minutes.
O Lord, I pray that Your purposes would be fulfilled in the state of ___.
Please protect the citizens of the state of ___ from unconstitutional orders or overreach.
I pray that the people in the state of ___, the families, schools, churches, government authorities, would come to the knowledge of the truth and the path of repentance.
O Lord, please cancel any curses that may have been spoken over the state of ___ or state lands.
Please break any strongholds over the state of ___ and send God-fearing and godly leaders and authority figures to break these strongholds.
O Lord, I pray that Biblical values would take root and be strengthened in the state of ___.
Please grant us religious freedom, medical freedom and human right and protect us from tyrannical leaders.
O Lord, please grant us spiritual revival in the state of ___ that will bring transformation of hearts with love for Thee and deep heartfelt repentance.
We thank You O Lord for all the wonderful things You are doing and will do in the hearts of mankind! In the blessed Name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Please pray this prayer every day.
PRAYER moves the heart of God!
Do not neglect prayer. It is the greatest power on earth!
Related Post: Urgent Call To Prayer