1. GO TO BED EARLY! Preferably before 10pm. Sleep is essential for the cells of your body to repair and rejuvenate. The best (beauty) sleep is BEFORE 12 midnight.

2. EXERCISE EVERY DAY! Even a long walk counts. Exercise keeps the lymphatic system strong. The lymphatic system is essential to the immune system.


4. DO NOT EAT MEAT, EGGS OR DAIRY. Much if, not all, of this food contains harmful bacteria, hormones, pesticides, herbicides etc… even the organic variety!

5. DO NOT EAT FRIED OR PROCESSED FOOD. This includes regular and diet sodas/drinks etc. Choose plain distilled water with lemon juice and a bit of honey instead.

6. EAT AS MUCH RAW FOOD AS POSSIBLE – LOTS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Preferably ORGANIC. KEEP THE DIET 80% RAW / 20% COOKED. Suggestion: Have ONE SMOOTHIE every day in the morning with a variety of fruit and spinach (or other greens). Include the juice of 1 lemon in the smoothie to cleanse the liver.

7. BEFORE a meal with cooked food, eat a small salad. The raw enzymes in the salad will help your body digest the cooked food.

8. GET OUTSIDE IN NATURE. Nature has a HEALING and CALMING effect on the mind, body and spirit.

9. TAKE OFF ONE DAY A WEEK to relax, restore and recuperate the mind, body and spirit. Take walks in nature, read a book, pray/meditate. Stay away from electronics (tv/computer/cell phone/tablet). Take a nap during the day to get extra rest.

10. STAY AWAY FROM ELECTRONICS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. These cause physiological damage to the cells in our body. The damage may not be immediately visible but it is CUMMULATIVE and after many years it will manifest as disease and even mental issues. Use electronics only as they are necessary (job/phone call) but when not needed, shut them completely OFF (not just airplane mode).

A NOTE ABOUT CELL PHONES AND TABLETS: The EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) emitted from these devices are highly dangerous and cause cancer. There have been many studies demonstrating this but these studies have been suppressed. A cell phone or tablet should NEVER be held close to the body, especially the head. Use speaker phone or earbuds if possible. I would recommend not using them at all. You can purchase a SKYPE number for a minimal yearly cost and use that for everyday phone calls and keep the cell phone for emergency calls only.

11. STAY AWAY FROM NEGATIVE NEWS. Surround yourself with POSITIVE people and influences!

12. READ THE BIBLE. Even if you are not a Christian, I recommend you read the Bible. God’s word will UPLIFT you and edify you and give you wisdom. Wisdom is sorely needed in the world today.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: If you are currently a heavy meat or processed food eater, you most likely have a very heavy toxic load in your body, so I recommend by starting the detox slowly. Eat at least one salad a day and lessen the meat and processed foods. Increasingly, replace the meat with beans and rice or other grains. There are many grains to choose from and many wonderful recipes to make them delicious. You can purchase a pressure cooker that will make cooking a breeze: just add the ingredients and within a half hour to an hour you have a delicious meal. If you want to take detoxing your body to a higher level, I recommend doing a FRESH VEGETALBE JUICE fast one day a week. Your body will thank you for it!

I can present a mountain of evidence why each of these tips is essential for good health, but for the sake of this post, I will keep it short. Many people have reversed diabetes, cancer and a host of diseases using these tips. The bottom line is that it is up to YOU to discipline yourself and be HEALTHY. No one can do it for you and certainly a doctor will not be able to fix overnight the damage done after a lifetime of bad habits, so it pays to listen to wise advice and put it into practice!

Do yourself a favor and re-read the list, print it and post it somewhere where you can see it every day to remind you that if you want the best you, YOU must be the one to do it! Remember, NO ONE can do it for you! Please take your health seriously.

For more information or guidance on this, I recommend the following:

She reversed Type II diabetes: RawKristina
Vegan bodybuilder (delicious recipes): SimnettNutrition
Doctor Joel Fuhrman

I get no reimbursements from any of these. I personally found them to be useful resources. Enjoy!

Also remember that I am not a doctor so you must seek professional advice about these tips. However, the fact that I am not a doctor does not mean I cannot post advice on being healthy out of concern for my brothers and sisters here on earth.

Related Post: My Testimony – Journey To Health