Most Christians, including many pastors, ministers and priests don’t know the basic and fundamental facts of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  If you are a Christian and are reading this, do you know the basic facts of the gospel?  In the church you attend, did the pastor ever tell you what the gospel consists of?  If not, I will relate a true story which illustrates the importance of knowing the facts of the gospel.

The following story is taken from the book The Spirit-Filled Believer’s Handbook by Derek Prince in which he relates an experience he had while he was a minister in London, England.

There was a woman who regularly attended church and took an active part in the women’s missionary organization in the church. This woman became gravely ill and was rushed to the hospital and was not expected to live. Derek Prince went to visit the woman and was allowed to visit her for only 5 minutes. He introduced himself and asked her whether she had the assurance that her sins were forgiven and whether she was ready to meet God. She said she did not.

Mr. Prince then simply and clearly told her the basic facts of the gospel: that Christ suffered death on a cross as the punishment for our sins; that He was buried and rose again on the third day and that we may be saved through believing these facts. He explained that God requires a definite, personal response of faith from each person who desires to be saved. He asked her if she wished to make this personal response and she said that she did.

Mr. Prince then asked the woman to repeat a short prayer after him asserting the facts of the gospel and she did. He asked her if she believed that she was saved and she said yes. He then said a short prayer of thanksgiving to God.

So within the span of 5 minutes, the woman had accepted Jesus Christ in her life as her Savior and was able to obtain peace in her heart. As a direct consequence of this peace in her heart, she made a rapid and unexpected recovery and was discharged from the hospital.

This true story illustrates the power of knowing the gospel message and applying the message personally to oneself!

I cannot emphasize enough:

The supreme purpose of every true Christian church, the primary duty of every Christian minister, pastor or priest, the main responsibility of every Christian lay person is to present to all who may be reached, in the clearest possible way, the basic facts of the gospel of Christ and to urge all who hear it to make a definite, positive and personal response to these facts.

These facts are:
1. Christ was delivered by God the Father to the punishment of death on account of the sins of mankind.
2. Christ was buried.
3. God the Father raised Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day.
4. Righteousness is received from God through believing these facts.

In order to receive salvation, each individual person must make a direct, personal response to Christ.

Have you, dear reader, believed these facts?
Have you made this definite personal response?

If not, I urge you to do this now.
Pray with me this prayer and say these words out loud:

Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that You died for my sins, that You were buried and that You rose from the dead on the third day.  I now repent of all my sins and come to You for mercy and forgiveness.  With faith in Your promise, I receive you personally as my Savior and confess You as my Lord.  Come into my heart, give me eternal life and make me a child of God.  Amen.

Now that you know the gospel message and have applied it personally to your life, please do everything you can to share it with everyone you know!

Who knows, you may snatch someone from the edge of the grave!


Related Post: Prayer of Repentance