Wake Up Humanity!
Please share this interview NOW! We need to WAKE UP everyone to what is happening all around us and take ACTION! Please download this NASA document and read it NOW! This document explains exactly how they plan to exterminate billions … Continued
Beware of Halloween!
Understand this: Halloween is the most important day in the Satanic year. The demons remaining in within/under the earth are released to roam the earth. The satanic cults are focused on bringing destruction throughout the world. God warns of NOT … Continued
Must See: Film About The State Of Israel
The film exposes something so nefarious, so evil, so mind-blowing that many will find it hard to believe. Yet it is true. This film can deliver a fatal blow to the satanic elites, who want to establish a world government … Continued
Save the Children!
Please save the little children from this poison! Please understand that this is a bio-weapon! What am I referring to? The Covid vax! The children are dying from this poison. What are you doing about it??? Will you stand up … Continued
The Light of Truth
You have the power to dispel the lies by simply sharing the TRUTH! Please share the video below with everyone you know right NOW! International Covid Summit III – part 1 – European Parliament, Brussels – David Martin pic.twitter.com/ZxCMveMLUy — … Continued
America, take heed!
America, take heed and hear the word of the Lord for His judgment is upon you! A sister in the Lord, has received many prophetic messages about America that I believe we should pay attention to and take to heart. … Continued
Pray For Your State
Have you considered praying for your state? We need prayer now more than ever in the times we are living. Here is a prayer you can pray every day. It only takes a few minutes. O Lord, I pray that … Continued
Do You Want Power?
Do you want power? Then get WISDOM! The Bible states that a wise man has power: A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength. (Proverbs 24:5) It also states: Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though … Continued
Important Message For Believers
The following message is from an anointed believer in the Lord. She wakes up the sleeping believer to understand the times we are living in and to fast and pray. Jesus said ‘when you fast’ and ‘when you pray’. By … Continued
Severe Judgments Are Coming: Get Serious About Your Salvation!
If you are not already aware, we are living in the last days. Many severe judgments are coming from the Lord for all the abominations that are committed on this earth. We MUST get serious about our salvation! God is … Continued