5G (60 Gigahertz) is the frequency of oxygen molecules. Being bombarded with 60ghz can impair the oxygen absorption rates in the body.

Something is sinister here. 5G is a weapons system!

Commentary by a 5G installer foreman…

“My son started hanging the 5g cable 2 years ago. He was over one day and was telling me how when he goes out of town, which has been a lot, he rarely sees anyone because they are in such remote areas. He said he is up in the pole and as far as he could see in any direction was just trees and mountains. He also said they have to put a notice on the boxes that it can harm vegetation within so many feet around it. I said don’t you feel bad making money off helping install something that are gonna use against us. He said not really cuz the way I look at it if I don’t someone else will and this way I know exactly what to do to disable it if I need to.

Said the way they were hanging it they can wipe out a whole city with the flip of a switch and he is a foreman so he will know when they put the order in to activate each level.

Said there are 3 different switches,

one is to make you physically sick,

then the next f__s with your sanity also,

then the kill switch.” – T. D.

Watch and share this documentary!


If you want to see how many cell phone towers are located around your property, go to this website and enter your address. This will give you an idea the level of EMF you are exposed to 24 hours a day. Remember the 3 switches mentioned above. If your property is surrounded by more than 50 cell phone towers, I would suggest moving. I have researched different areas in United States and some addresses are surrounded by more than 100 cell phone towers! This is SERIOUS folks! There is no need for that many cell phone towers UNLESS these towers are intended to be used as a weapon of mass destruction. Let that sink in!

Related Post: Geoengineering Is Real